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Real reasons to rebound!
Get the toxins out of the bloodstream. If your tongue is coated white, you probably need to detox. (Go look in the mirror and see).

Many people are losing weight by releasing the acidity that the fat is holding, not just by losing calories, but by draining the body slowly and safely to release the toxins carried in the lymph. The blood can't deliver nutrients to the cells if the watery part of the blood, the lymph, has tons of waste matter in it. This fluid in most people is very toxic.

The lymph from the vessels in the legs and arms get filled with the protein filled lymph. The digestive system can make a polluted fatty, sluggish lymph if not drained properly. The lymph cells in the bones and spleen cannot move the white blood cells if they are clogged.

Why are people fat? 
If people are acidic from the toxins that are stored, the lymph can't drain the excess fat out and it makes the fat cells swell up which makes people look fat. Try to exercise and burn that fat and your body will try to fight you even more. There is no reason for people to be bloated like this. The cellulite on people is simply the body being swollen from toxins. This is when you see the toxins making the skin layers swollen. Not a pretty site but worse, it's how it makes them feel. Rebounding in my opinion is the most effective way to rid the average 10 to 20 pounds of swollen cells that are carrying this acidic waste water. Just exercising without lymphatic g force makes it challenging to release the wastes swollen up in the lymphatic vessels and ducts. I bounce every time I am watching TV or on the phone with people ( you will often hear me jumping if you call me to talk about rebounders).

A rebounder that gives too little G force will have a hard time squeezing out the wastes just as much as a rebounder that is too firm that doesn't give the lymphatic vessels enough time to squeeze and drain the debris out of them. Many people bounce with too little "against gravity while the cheap rebounders with not enough deceleration giving the gradual squeeze with the right g force, the lymphatic system is barely getting drained. If too much ballistic impact is relieved, such as with a spring that is too soft, the body can fill up with lactic acid and the lymphatic system will get backed up from excess lymphatic fluid. Notice people that are always working out from exercise that does not involve the up and down motion and see how puffy and swollen they are. I can always pick out a fit person from caloric burning exercise from the puffiness under their chin, which is the calcification and fibrin and globulin. That's a red flag that they are burning calories without pumping the lymphatic system equally enough to rid the lactic acids and toxins created.

If you want a rebounder at the best price with all the freebies I throw in, please see my store. Or, you can order from any of the manufacturers I work with. Let them know I referred you to them from my site and I will still give the freebies that I will personally pay for with my small commission as a way of giving back. Release = Receive!!!!!!!

I give as much as I can back to those that buy from me, usually just enough to keep my website up.
Thanks for supporting my site if I have helped. I genuinely want to help people feel better. I really do. And most of all, I am not a salesperson. It's my job (joy of being). My site is run by passion, not employees.

Most people buying a rebounder are trying to move lymph. Restorative rebounding is not the same thing as getting on a rebounder and jogging, jumping high and doing all the toning exercises to build muscle strength and cardiovascular strength.

If you only care about lymph movement and doing the "health bounce" you do not need the bar. If you want to do the toning exercises you will want the bar later.

For restorative rebounding, we rebounding 30 minutes a day. It can be in one shot or it can be done in multiple sessions. Rebounding for 45 minutes straight or doing it 5 minutes nine times a day is not the same. Two 15 minute sessions is better than one 30 minute session. Three 10 minute sessions would be even better.

Just make sure you familiarize yourself with restoring the mineral lose as you deplete toxins and eliminate them. You might also be eliminating just as many good minerals with the bad toxins. If you are trying to build bone density, don't just think bone building minerals will magically appear and you suddenly get bone density. Most people think that just bouncing alone will build bone density.
For those that are trying to lose weight, you might notice some swelling under the arm pits if you are not eliminating properly. If you ARE eliminating properly, you WILL notice the foul under arm smell when you are secreting toxins and moving lymph. Remember, the more G-force you can take the better. More G-force is just as important as the amount of bounces. Low G-force and longer bouncing time is not the same. G-Force is what squeezes the one way valves in the lymphatic system which creates the vacuum to release toxins. If you do not smell the foul scent after your sessions the rebounder is not doing its job.
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FACT: We have 4 times as much lymph fluid than blood in our body.
The Good & The Bad of Rebounding

Most people are rebounding totally wrong. Some people are getting too many bounces per minute and can't process all of the wastes and others are not bouncing enough times per minute or getting not enough G force. This is why not only getting the right rebounder for your weight and state of health but you should know how to rebound properly.

As getting rid of sluggish lymphatic system and poisoned blood is my ultimate goal with rebounding, you have to know what you are doing. Almost any health challenge is a result of poisoned blood.

We know the blood stream stops at the capillaries. We know the air stops at the air cells in our lungs. But, few know where the lymph stops. It usually is stagnant in most people but if you pump the lymph, it goes to the liver to be processed and then the large intestine. Although the liver can process a lot at once, the intestine in toxic people usually benefit by a quality probiotic (the dormant type).

If the blood poisons are not properly purified that are being dumped into the intestines, a healing crisis can occur. When the blood goes to the lungs to get oxygen, all you are doing is just feeding the poisoned blood so you can keep going about your day in a degenerate state.

Note: Removing toxins in the lymph can help bring back vitality as well as destroy us if we cannot process or detox the toxins after rebounding. If you are toxic, DO NOT REBOUND WITHOUT KNOWING THIS.

Rebounding for 20 minutes can move 80 teaspoons of lymph fluid into the liver. If doing the Health Bounce correctly, very few toxic people will want to go that long. I will say that on rebounders that don't give the G force or enough bounces per minute even at 3 G forces will not move close to 4 teaspoons of lymph. Therefor, I wouldn't worry about a healing crisis as most rebounders don't give the flushing power as the ones designed to do the Health Bounce. Each of the rebounders designed to do the Health Bounce are different and for different body types I would recommend different ones.
Toxic people that are sluggish and tired all of the time from the inflammation caused by all the toxins that are clogging their bodies. It is hard to operate at a higher vibration when you are toxic. The organs in a body with a sluggish lymphatic system are almost shut off and stay dormant. When the organs free themselves of toxins, they begin to operate totally different than in their previous dulled, degenerate state.

Low Energy People:
With a stagnant lymphatic system, all the toxins are being absorbed in the fat, which is a good thing. It's called Homeostasis. I learned that in Anatomy class in 10th grade. Knowing that the body regenerates itself every 7 years unless the body is too degenerated, the tissues in the body can regenerate and become resurrected. Move all the freakin wastes out instead of reabsorbing them into the fat and recycling poisoned blood all day, and watch the energy come back. There is a reason you have low energy. The body is trying to preserve energy. Rebounding without leaving the mat will help flush these wastes without exerting excess energy that your body is trying to preserve. The people that don't do the Health Bounce who try to just burn as many calories as they can just go into a deeper crises. 

It is almost impossible to get sick when the blood is not poisoned. Flushing the poisons out before the blood becomes toxic is my best defense. Before doing anything to regain or maintain my health, I always ask myself what it will do to my blood. I am always conscious of what things will do to my blood. If you are breathing in toxins from the air and you can't escape it, at least you know you can rid them through the lymph.

The inflammation people have are a result of poisoned blood. If the blood is flushed, then the organs don't receive the wastes and they can function properly. Stagnant lymph is usually the cause. Retarded lymph flushing is usually why people have poisoned blood. Fix this and watch the complaints go away.

The best rebounders seem to have give the most flushing of the lymph per minute. You can always get one that has a high flushing capacity and jump less time but if you get a rebounder that doesn't give you enough G force without leaving the mat you can't really fix it. The gelatinous earthy deposits that the lymph picks up dumps into the liver to then be processed in the gut. A sluggish lymphatic system keeps these wastes in the body. Most people with a sluggish lymphatic system have tight muscles and are rarely flexible. Their joints are more solidified and the bones are very rigid from the ossification. Rebounding has helped me lower the density of these joints so they don't ache. Yielding organs that are elastic and free of toxins are usually result.
What is this 4 teaspoons of lymph fluid that doing the health bounce can move. The way I have learned it moved by by simply bouncing up and down just enough to go airborne so that the flow of lymph can be activated. Swelling can be affected. I definitely feel more oxygenated after bouncing. Inflammation can usually be seen go down. The wastes that cause inflammation can get pulled back into the lymph to be removed. The lymph vessels have one way valves lined up the entire vessel system which at the bottom of the bounce they close and at the top they open. Having a good rebounder creates a milking motion so a hydraulic pump is created. Jumping high and staying airborne most of the time just stops the flow as there is no G force while being airborne. Many people are jumping really high and it is not their fault that no one has told them the correct way to do the health bounce. Most people jump with their toes absorbing g force to pump the one way valves to flush. Please learn the correct way to land on the heels and not just absorb the g force in the toes first.
Why do people swell and have inflammation all over their body?
All of the fluid retention is to hold the trapped blood proteins that one with a poor lymphatic system can't process. The body usually becomes tired because their is so much toxic fluid around all the cells that they can't get enough oxygen. The yellowish lymph gets really thick and everything just stays stagnant. The whole goal of the lymphatic system is to remove wastes unlike the blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Most people are so clogged up that their lymph vessels can't remove this toxic fluid as fast and they become inflamed all over the body.
There WILL ALWAYS be inflammation when the lymph system is clogged because the toxic trapped blood proteins must always have water around them to balance the body. This makes the swelling. This swelling is excess fluid around all the cells giving our body the appearance of being fat. If we didn't swell up we would be in major pain and have so little energy that we couldn't even move. There are ways to fix it but only if you learn the proper way to fix it. LEARN THE HEALTH BOUNCE. If you don't exercise and only did this bounce, which is not even getting your heart rate up and burning tons of calories or building your muscles, it is enough for most people just to circulate this lymph.

We are not water mammals!
Most people think that to hydrate the body they need more water. Wrong? Have you ever went into a hot tub and when you come out your skin is all shrunken up? This is because this excess water with a lack of oxygen makes this happen. If we drink too much water, this actually can cause inflammation from the excess water in the body and water log the body so it can't get enough oxygen. Many people have wrinkles even though they drink tons of water. Why? Because when their is excess fluid in the body the cells can shrivel up just like the hot tub example. Our body actually dehydrates the more we drink!!!! This totally screws up the sodium potassium pump and the ratio of the minerals to water in our body is wack. The body can't create enough energy when water logged. The subtle bouncing with barely leaving the mat appears to make us water absorbent so we don't have to bloat ourselves with so much water. When a persons cells are oxygenated and less water logged is when I get feedback on how people that rebound their skin clears up. The craziest thing is that the people that are the most inflamed do exercises that just try to burn calories and give the body no g forces or any mimic of nature to excite the one way valves to drain the lymph.
Blood Poisons and Fibrin:
Fibrin is what is circulating in the blood in most people that are sick and toxic. Fibrin can be a good thing in that it is what heals up wounds into forms them into scars but what is probably the cause of all the issues that people call me about, is because fibrin gets into where it shouldn't be. The body, trying to maintain homeostasis, puts the body in a healing crisis, moving all the fibrin to the blood thinking trying to stabilize the body. What is happening is we are becoming too stabilized to the point that our joints start becoming stiff. Almost everyone that calls in with bad knees and weak ankles usually needs to remove excess fibrin. Everyone like this seems to have the stiff joints and have a hard time walking. Their muscles are tight to the point they can't touch their toes without bending their knees. This fibrin gets into the muscles and blood vessels and joints so it just screws up our entire life to the point we can't do things with ease like we did before. Most people accept that as they get older they will feel stuff and old. Many people even have inflammation in their intestinal tract. Even with rebounding, unless the gut is healthy, its gonna be pretty rough assimilating all the wastes being removed by the lymph. It's an ugly situation for those that don't know what they are doing.
Why do people have swollen glands?
This is when the lymphatic system cannot filter and purify the lymph fluid containing bacteria and wastes that eventually get dumped back into the bloodstream. (A good probiotic will help process this lymph so it doesn't get dumped back into the body). Different rebounders will flush the body at different levels. If you cannot tolerate lymphatic flow at 4 teaspoons a minute, you can either jump with less force or get a rebounder that doesn't have as many g forces that you can go 10 minutes without such a heavy lymphatic flush. Most people can only tolerate 2 to 3 minutes at a time on a rebounder that flushes at 4 teaspoons a minute. The body can only process so much lymph drainage at a time when the body is toxic. Pulling out too many poisons too fast in someone that is already loaded with blood poisons and fibrin levels triple or quadruple the amount of normal levels usually go in a cleansing reaction if they don't know what to do before rebounding. I am not trying to spook anyone but it is what it is. Rebounding and taking metabolic enzymes, the proteolytic type (protein eating), is what many people that rebound have told me has helped them. These are not just digestive enzymes, they are the more expensive systemic enzymes that dissolve fibrin from the body that is in the wrong place. Everyone that takes these has told me it makes them more flexible and takes all the stiffness out. The way I have learned it moved by by simply bouncing up and down just enough to go airborne so that the flow of lymph can be activated. Swelling can be affected. I definitely feel more oxygenated after bouncing. Inflammation can usually be seen go down. The wastes that cause inflammation can get pulled back into the lymph to be removed. The lymph vessels have one way valves lined up the entire vessel system which at the bottom of the bounce they close and at the top they open. Having a good rebounder creates a milking motion so a hydraulic pump is created. Jumping high and staying airborne most of the time just stops the flow as there is no G force while being airborne. Many people are jumping really high and it is not their fault that no one has told them the correct way to do the health bounce. Most people jump with their toes absorbing g force to pump the one way valves to flush. Please learn the correct way to land on the heels and not just absorb the g force in the toes first.
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